
Try LibreClinca online

Try out LibreClinica on your own or in a guided tour

We offer a demo installation to provide an impression of working with LibreClinica at

Log in as user_demo with password LibreClinica, and experience the system with the typical permissions of an investigator or study assistant (add new patients, view and enter data, export data of your site etc.). If you want more, you will find accounts with more permissions below.

This installation is for demonstration, and the data entered can be seen and edited by anyone logging into the system. Do not enter real medical data here. The installation is reset every night. In case you or someone before you experimented a bit too much and the system should not work properly anymore, please let us know. We will then reset it for you, so there is no need to wait until the next day then.

Suggested tours (available in German only)

You can check out LibreClinica on your own, follow suggested routes, or have a date for a guided tour.

Further accounts to login to our demo installation

You want more or other permissions?

  • start as an investigator, i. e. the role you have as a physician or study assistant at a study site
    username: user_demo, password: LibreClinica
  • as a monitor you check the data entered by physicians or study assistants, and compare them to the original records (source data verification, abbreviated SDV)
    username: monitor_demo, password: LibreClinica
  • as a data manager you have extensive permissions such as editing studies, create case report forms (CRF), and assign users to study sites
    username: dm_demo, password: LibreClinica